The RepOne Alpha Program has reached a big milestone

RepOne Strength
The Next Dimension in Strength
3 min readNov 15, 2018


The RepOne software has made some incredible progress in the last few months. We’ve been working closely with our Alpha program participants in developing tools that not only consolidate things like paper workout cards, excel spreadsheets, and disparate roster systems, but enable things that were previously not possible.

This past week we launched the latest version of both our iPad Athlete Kiosk app and browser based Coaching Portal, and they’re a huge step towards our RepOne beta. Here’s a quick preview of the apps.

In the Athlete Kiosk app you can see the general flow of athletes working in with each other on a rack. The history of the rack is below, upcoming is on top, and the current athlete has the most important data front and center. When an athlete finishes their set they can log the weight (if it isn’t pre-specified) and optionally log their perceived exertion. If the athlete is working with velocity, guidance will be given for their next set based on whether they were above or below their speed targets.

You can also see our ‘athlete card’ view at the end. If an athlete wants to get a high-level overview of their workout, or log non-tracked exercises like walking lunges or push-ups, they can tap their face on the top right.

The RepOne Coaching Portal is enjoying some workflow attention. We’ve heard feedback from our alpha participants on optimizing our workout builder, so we’re hard at work on building some of the best features of Excel into a browser based tool, like drag and drop and copy/paste.

You can see current capabilities of the portal include simple workout creation, exercise selection and customization, tight integration with velocity guidance, group assignment, and more. It has a fully capable roster system, and future alpha versions will include athlete status pages that the coach can dig into for individualized insights.

The big thing this gives us is metrics. We’re moving towards an important stage, KPI driven design, that allows us to look at how these apps are performing in real-life situations and build features, updates, and improvements based on that data. Until now, iterating has taken conversations with us and our patient Alpha participants, as well as in-person visits to their facilities. With the current stage of our software, our metrics can tell the story.

This is just the beginning. We have some things on our roadmap that we’re very excited about, and our development speed is only improving. We’re gearing up for our Private Beta launch, so keep an eye out for more updates as we get prepare to announce official launch dates!

